速報APP / 遊戲 / 99 Dragons

99 Dragons





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:7C 14B Cross 1B Main MCHS Colony HSR Layout Sector 6 Bangalore 560102

99 Dragons(圖1)-速報App

One day, out of the blue, your childhood friend Kyle appeared to pull you along on an adventure. The demons have attacked the world and Kyle is bent upon defeating them, with your help of course.

99 Dragons(圖2)-速報App

During the course of your journey you meet various people who are willing (sometimes.... and at other times needing a nudge) to join your quest. Each of these has special abilities that you can use at the right time in the fights to unleash maximum damage or to avail the best benefit.

99 Dragons(圖3)-速報App

Journey the world and collect items that dot the world to build the best weapons and armour to make yourself and your compatriots stronger as the enemy gets tougher and harder.

99 Dragons(圖4)-速報App

Weave through the magical story as the saga unfurls!

A fantasy RPG game of battle between humans, dragons and demons - brought through collaboration of QMAX and Bhasinsoft.